Abelmoschus moschatus
English: Musk Mallow
Sanskrit/Indian: Gandapura
Russian: Абельмош мускатный

General information:
The Musk Mallow is widely used in homes as an ornamental plant. In China, the flowers are eaten raw, and the leaves are used for making tea. The seeds are eaten raw or roasted. The fruit is a rich source of dietary fiber.
The plant, which has many health benefits, is used as an ingredient in medicines for heart ailments and respiratory diseases like asthma. Patients suffering from urinogenital and eye-related ailments benefit from the healing properties of the herb.
The oil extracted from the seeds is known as musk seed oil or ambrette seed oil. The characteristic musk-like odor of the seed oil is mainly due to the presence of a ketone, ambrettelide. Because of its strong odor, the herb has one of most unique profiles in aromatherapy, with its ability to treat anxiety, depression, nervousness and stress.
- The strong smell of the seeds makes the plant an ideal inhalant to alleviate hoarseness and a dry throat.
- The leaves and roots of the plant are helpful in treating gonorrhea and venereal diseases.
- The Musk Mallow plant is used as an ingredient in cosmetics like perfumes, soaps, detergents, creams and lotions.